Thursday, February 28, 2013

Bagel Stacks

I'm always looking for new things to have for breakfast.  I'm not a huge breakfast person so it's usually a bagel or some cereal.  And let me tell you, that's not getting me healthy any faster...  So this morning I decided I was super hungry and I have also been slacking on my protein.  So I stared in my fridge for a bit and came up with this beauty that is sadly cheese free (I'm trying to love it just a little less...).  But you can add some cheese if you'd like!

Bagel Stacks

*Makes 1-2 servings depending on how hungry you are

1 Thomas' Whole Wheat Bagel Thins
3 Egg Whites
3 Mini Bell Peppers (chopped) (1/8 C. if you only have large ones)
2 Slices of Turkey Bacon
2 Tbsp. Salsa
Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder

1. Chop everything up and separate the eggs.
2. Cook the bell peppers and bacon until the peppers are soft.
3. Add the egg whites with seasoning to taste and scramble.  Toast bagel at this point.
4. Top bagel with the yummy eggs and add salsa.
5. Enjoy!
NF are if you eat both slices

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